Friday, 6 May 2016

How to Build an End-To-End Mobile Test Plan

by Sarang Nagmote

Category - Mobile Apps Development
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Over the past decade, mobile devices have become more prominent in activities ranging from personal banking to professional task completion. As such, organizations have rushed to the plate to deliver enterprise mobile applications that will directly meet user needs. However, the range of mobile devices is growing beyond smartphones and tablets to include things like smartwatches and other Internet-enabled equipment. As mobile devices continue to evolve, end-to-end testing proves to be a critical testing method in mobile app development.

Defining End-to-End

Under an end-to-end test plan, the flow of the application is validated from the beginning to the end. This verification happens during initial testing as well as regression testing to ensure that the program still works after changes or patches have been made. This helps to identify system dependencies and achieve functionality across all elements within a project. Guru99 noted that if any sub-system fails, the integrity of the software could collapse. End-to-end testing is so important in mobile testing because it gives development teams peace of mind that their applications will work and that conditions have been fully considered.
"End to end testing is the process verifying a software system along with its sub-systems," Guru99 stated. "The biggest challenge in this testing is to have enough knowledge of the whole system as well as interconnected sub-system."

Adding in Mobile

The broad spectrum of mobile devices seems to become more complex as time progresses. Not only do hardware makers create new products nearly every year, but even items from the same manufacturer have internal differences like operating system versions. These vast differences leave a lot of room for error when creating a mobile test plan and ensuring that the app meets user needs. Luckily, there are a few fundamental things to focus on:
  • User functions (features and their interconnected components)
  • Conditions (sequence, timing, data conditions)
  • Test cases (each condition can be a single test)
While these are common considerations for any end-to-end test, organizations must delve into more specific test cases after the general ones have been outlined. Amadeus Consulting noted that hardware compatibility, user interface, performance and OS testing should all be run according to the organizations requirements. For example, if a business is using the latest Apple iPhone and the most up-to-date iOS, the software should function optimally with these systems. If a majority of phones are running older systems, the program may have to provide support for these devices.
With all of these important considerations, your testing initiative is likely to be a little chaotic. Using a test management software can help you prioritize your test cases, keep track of issues and help teams respond accordingly. The right QA tool will be important to bolster your end-to-end mobile testing plan and monitor progress across all projects. By understanding how an end-to-end plan works, organizations can create comprehensive test cases and build a mobile testing plan that promotes high-quality deliverables.

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